Hi David,

> Is it possible to get CGI.pm to print  <p
> class="myclass">text.......</p>

Yes.  If the first argument is a hashref, it will use the name/value
pairs as tag attributes.

  print $q->p({class=>"myclass"}, "text.......");
> I also need to print out the one these as well:
> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/main.css" type="text/css">
> but it has to be in the <head> of the starting HTML? -- and I would
> like it 
> before the </head> and after the </title>

  print $q->start_html(
    -head  => $q->Link({-rel=>"stylesheet", -href=>"main.css"}),
    -title => "some title"

See "perldoc CGI" for more detailed information.


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