Quick question here for the PERL gurus! What should be the order for these two statements?
exit; last switch; i.e is this correct? Thanks!! Dave -- Ft. Worth __CODE__ SWITCH: { if ($action =~ /Update/) { print redirect("./import_clean_csv.php"); exit; last switch; }; if ($action =~ /Clean/) { print header; chdir UPLOAD_DIR or die "Couldn't chdir to afm_data directory: $!"; my @filesToRemove = <*>; foreach my $fr (@filesToRemove) { print "Deleting $fr<br>\n"; unlink($fr) or die "Couldn't Delete $fr $!"; } print <<HTML_OUT; <p style="font-weight:bold">Your Done close this window! <form><input type="button" onclick="self.close()" value="Close Window"></form></p> HTML_OUT exit; last switch; }; } Visit my schedule page for up to the minute performance info: <http://www.coraconnection.com/cgi-bin/schedule.pl> ============================================== Cora Connection: Your West African Music Source Resources, Recordings, Instruments & More! <http://www.coraconnection.com/> ============================================== -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <http://learn.perl.org/> <http://learn.perl.org/first-response>