Thanks Chris and Gunnar. Setting the inner table width worked, but I can see that using CSS would offer significant benefits and I will need to migrate that direction at some point. It seems like the "table" version seems to work on many browsers--is the [envisioned] CSS solution also generally compatible across browsers these days? It seems that browser layout engines are still suboptimal for some particulars of CSS. Just curious...


On Sep 14, 2004, at 8:08 AM, Chris Devers wrote:

On Tue, 14 Sep 2004, Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:

The width attribute for cells is deprecated. Try setting table width
for the inner tables instead.

Or, better still, learn how to do layout with CSS and stop using tables for everything except (as originally intended) tabular data.

On a modern browser, stylesheets should be much easier to control than
tables ever were, and will give much better results...

-- Chris Devers

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