> Hi all,
> Hoping you guys can provide me some place to start troubleshooting.
Here's the situation. I have created a file upload form which then just
prints the contents of the file out. Basically just copied the CPAN
instructions for testing purposes.

> I am able to do this successfully on my test server (local machine),
but when I tried to use the same script on the production server, all I
get is a blank page. Param works to retrieve the file name and print
that out, but no contents. I tried using upload, but that produces an
error. Any suggestions to test why the script is failing on one server
and not the other?

How do the servers differ? OS? Web server? Perl version? Module
installations? What error does upload produce, that seems very relevant?
Check all the versions, confirm the module installations, show us some
code, and tell us what the error is.  What does the error log for the
web server report?


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