On Sunday, Jul 27, 2003, at 12:57 US/Pacific, Jon Hogue wrote: [..]
With CGI::FormBuilder, I couldn't imagine CGI being any easier...

cf: <http://search.cpan.org/src/NWIGER/CGI-FormBuilder-2.11/README>


Oh SURE, now you advocate that....

for those who read comments in pod, please note:

# Need some magical JavaScript crap to figure out the type of value
# God the DOM sucks so much ass!!!! I can't believe the value element
# changes based on the type of field!!
# Note we have to use form.elements['name'] instead of just form.name
# as the JAPH using this module may have defined fields like "u.type"
# Finally, we expand our error message above, way up here, so that
# we can simply integrate the custom message with the predefined text

So if you are 'beginning' in the land of Perl v. PHP
and are not sure how/why/where to opt which set of
horrors with stuff like JavaScript - let's be honest
happy campers, that comment bar says more than we
all like to admit in polite society about the fact
that there are 'vagaries' that exist in the 3 DOM's,
and the 'featureFullNeff' of how 'JavaScript' has
devolved to begin with....



ps: some seriously SLICK stuff there....

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