On Tue, 04 Feb 2003 22:33:13 +0200, Shahar Evron wrote:

> this peace of code seems to generate an infinite loop, and i have no 
> clue why. this may very well be for a very silly reason, but i'm clueless...
>>      while (1) {
>>              if ($ntries >= 4) {
>>                      print ERRLOG "Error : failed $ntries login attempts - giving 
>>                      return 2; }
>>              sleep (30*$ntries*$ntries) if ($ntries > 0);
>>              $ntries++;
>>      }       

It's not an endless loop, only a very long during loop.
$ntries is counts from 0 .. 3 (at 4 there's a return).
If e.g. $ntries is 3 then you have a call
sleep(30*3*3) = sleep(270) what means that the program
waits 4 and half minutes!

If you change the sleeping time e.g. to sleep($ntries*$ntries)
you'll see that the loop stops.

Best Wishes,

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