ahh.. I was not aware the Date::Calc could catch illegal dates like
i thinks i will use that. and I am also checking out your 'Form data
checker' now.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: fliptop [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 9:42 PM
> To: Kipp, James
> Subject: Re: Checking Form data
> Kipp, James wrote:
> > What is the best way to validate form data. I have a form 
> which the user
> > enters dates like '08/01/2002'. What is the best way to 
> make sure this
> > format is entered. Should i use javascript here or regex?
> i had some free time, so i decided to finish up some thoughts i have 
> regarding validating form data.  i've developed a simple module to 
> perform basic validation and shown how to implement it.  it's all 
> available here:
> http://www.peacecomputers.com/form_checker/
> please send any errata or general comments directly to me, 
> not the list.
> many thanks to Eric Moore ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for his help and 
> patience during development.
> please note that this module doesn't really answer the 
> question posed by 
> the original poster, namely 'how do i validate a date?'  imho, i'd do 
> that like this (for slash-delimited dates only):
> use strict;
> use Date::Calc qw(check_date);
> my @date = qw( 08/02/2002
>                 7/3/2003
>                 13/3/2006
>                 09/33/2002
>                 al/df/ioji
>                 09/14/66
> );
> for my $date (@date) {
>    my ($month, $day, $year) = split "/", $date;
>    if (check_date($year,$month,$day)) { print "$date is kosher\n"; }
>    else { print "$date is uncool\n"; }
> }
> 08/02/2002 is kosher
> 7/3/2003 is kosher
> 13/3/2006 is uncool
> 09/33/2002 is uncool
> Argument "ioji" isn't numeric in subroutine entry at try1.pl line 17.
> Argument "al" isn't numeric in subroutine entry at try1.pl line 17.
> Argument "df" isn't numeric in subroutine entry at try1.pl line 17.
> al/df/ioji is uncool
> 09/14/66 is kosher

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