Kipp, James wrote:

> What is the best way to validate form data. I have a form which the user
> enters dates like '08/01/2002'. What is the best way to make sure this
> format is entered. Should i use javascript here or regex?

i had some free time, so i decided to finish up some thoughts i have 
regarding validating form data.  i've developed a simple module to 
perform basic validation and shown how to implement it.  it's all 
available here:

please send any errata or general comments directly to me, not the list.

many thanks to Eric Moore ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for his help and 
patience during development.

please note that this module doesn't really answer the question posed by 
the original poster, namely 'how do i validate a date?'  imho, i'd do 
that like this (for slash-delimited dates only):

use strict;
use Date::Calc qw(check_date);

my @date = qw( 08/02/2002

for my $date (@date) {
   my ($month, $day, $year) = split "/", $date;

   if (check_date($year,$month,$day)) { print "$date is kosher\n"; }
   else { print "$date is uncool\n"; }


08/02/2002 is kosher
7/3/2003 is kosher
13/3/2006 is uncool
09/33/2002 is uncool
Argument "ioji" isn't numeric in subroutine entry at line 17.
Argument "al" isn't numeric in subroutine entry at line 17.
Argument "df" isn't numeric in subroutine entry at line 17.
al/df/ioji is uncool
09/14/66 is kosher

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