On Sun, 23 Jun 2002 14:44:48 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lewis Kirk) wrote: >I have set up a site using the venerable Web Store from Extropia >(http://www.extropia.com/applications/web_store.html) . I am curious, >as the basic program is pretty old, if there are any drawbacks or >issues with it? Or if there is another open source store set up that >is better? Volume is not really an issue. Thanks for the info.
As a pet project, I've been trying to update an old perl store called perlshop. It was GPL'd so I made alot of changes, including using CGI.pm instead of ReadParse, encryption of cc numbers, etc. It automatically generates thumbnails and catalog pages, and it has a single script for configuration of servers, etc. It uses flatfile textfiles for database. It's a good method for up to a couple hundred items. I've also wrote a administrator for it, which does inventory management, invoice management, etc. It's not finished yet, I need to figure out a way to print shipping labels, and automatically adjust inventories. You can look at it at http://zentara.net/store feel free to play around with the administrator, change widget names, prices etc. Make a sample purchase with the test cc numbers. You can download it if you want, it's all GPL. Run it thru perltidy though, I like to keep my scripts in a condensed form. This doesn't have a one-step install, since it's my personal store, but I did write a little readme to help you setup. It is setup to use Bankof America online payment system, and I have a couple of scripts in there, to do cc payment testing offline, just by simulating the bank' response. Some of the more advanced perl programmers feel that the original perlshop script was too old to be rehabed, because it has a complex internal html templating system, but I have found it's non-OO style easy to modify and understand. That is what is important to me, that I can understand what is going on in a script, and be able to modify it. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]