That confuses me; I would just copy and paste and that would be it but 
I would have no idea how that is working and I don't really want to put 
anything in that I don't understand yet.  Is there a simpler way that 
would be more like:

my $links = #hash here ;

> Kyle, et al --
> ...and then Kyle Babich said...
> % 
> % This is what I have:
> % 
> % my %pages = ("Yahoo","";,
> %     "Google", "";,
> %     "All The Web", "";);
> % 
> % while ( my ($key, $pages) = each %pages ) {
> %    print qq{<a href="$pages">$key</a>};
> %  }
> % 
> % How could I put this all into a scalar to call up later?
> Didn't you try my idea from my last post?
>   [zero] [6:42am] ~>  \
>   perl -we 'my %pages = \
>     ("yahoo","","google","";); \
>     my $output = "" ; while ( my ($key, $page) = each %pages ) \
>       { $output .= qq{<a href="$page">$key</a><br>\n};}; \
>     print "OUTPUT:\n$output";'
>   <a href="";>google</a><br>
>   <a href="";>yahoo</a><br>
>   [zero] [6:42am] ~>  
> % 
> % Thank you,
> % Kyle
> :-D
> -- 
> David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's 
> (play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune 
>    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf 
Qrprapl Npg!


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