On Monday, May 20, 2002, at 11:22 , David vd Geer Inhuur tbv IPlib wrote:

> $icname = "123qwerty&";

quotes interpolate - single quotes do not;


        my $allow='A-Za-z0-9_.';                # what we allow

        my $icname = '1+23|qwerty&';

        if (!($icname =~ /^[$allow]+$/)) {
        print "your IP-Block name cannot contain special characters\n";
                print "we do not like <$1> \n" while ( $icname =~ m/([^$allow])/g);

once we know what we allow - then [^$allow] is everything else
one char at a time....

and I believe you will get

        your IP-Block name cannot contain special characters
        we do not like <+>
        we do not like <|>
        we do not like <&>



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