On Wed, 15 May 2002 02:11:22 +0100, Drieux wrote:
> On Tuesday, May 14, 2002, at 10:45 , Dave Cross wrote:
>> On Mon, 13 May 2002 17:14:03 +0100, Drieux wrote:
> [..]
>>> there was a security update to v1.92 on 04/21/02 has there been some
>>> new issue arise??? since then?
>> Matt's version 1.92 fixes all of the spam relay problems with FormMail.
>> There are, I believe, a couple of Cross-Site Scripting vunerabilities
>> remaining.
> thanks for the heads up on that. My working premise then is that any
> such issues are closed in the nms?

We think so. But if you find something be sure to let us know


>                                     I have only just started to
> deconstruct it. There seems to be way more firepower in this than I
> think we will want to use.... but...

There's really not much in there that isn't available in Matt's version.

> I have found a few things I would wonder about - but these tend to be
> the sorts of trade offs on when is it really better to code in line - or
> have a simple function test....

We'd be interested in hearing any questions that you've got about the

>> However secure this version is, it's still written for Perl for and
>> doesn't use "strict", "-w", taint mode or CGI.pm. It's a really bad
>> example of Perl code and I wouldn't want anyone to see the source and
>> think they can learn Perl from it.
> [..]
> So far about the only complaint I have with the nms FormMail is that the
> tarball did not come with a version number in it, hence I have no
> tracking control on the tarball or the folder that it generates.

Well, there's a CVS version number in the the script. But you're right,
we need to make that visible _before_ you download it.


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