On 5/13/02 10:49 AM, fliptop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> i think what you're missing is there's no point in trying to justify
> running any version of any of matt's code - use the drop in replacements
> at sourceforge or take the (quite unnecessary) risk.  it's as simple as
> that.

Ok, I have a question now: What, exactly, started the vendetta that the
entire Perl community seems to have against Matt's Script Archives? Is it
the constant security concerns, or is there something else?

At the moment, MSA at its worst doesn't seem nearly as bad as, say,

I'm not trying to defend MSA, it's just that I've seen endless trash talked
about it, and, being a relative newcomer to the Perl scene, I'm curious as
to where it all started.


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