> I would like to create a html frameset plus the pages for the 
> frameset.

You can't do that in one cgi script unless you call it multiple times
like I showed you.

> Normally a frameset looks (as you all know) somewhat like that:
>       <frameset rows="80,*" frameborder="NO" border="0" 
> framespacing="0">
>         <frame src="path/to/file" name="topFrame" 
> scrolling="NO" noresize >
>         <frame src="path/to/file" name="mainFrame">
>       </frameset>
> Now I do not know/understand, how to replace the 
> src="path/to/file" with 
> the corresponding sub (i.e. sub menu).... :(

Use the example I posted which prints a frameset. The frameset uses the
url of the same CGI script which printed out the frameset as the src of
its frames (hence the multiple calls to the same CGI), except it gives
it parameters which tell the CGI to print different content.

I actually meant for you to post some Perl (not just HTML) code...


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