> I'm using one CGI script to generate several search pages

That's impossible. One call to a cgi script can generate only one page.
Consider the following untested  ;) (but simple enough that I probably
didn't screw it up) code:

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
 use strict;

 use CGI;
 my $cgi = new CGI;
 # this line saves the url of the
 # currently running CGI script
 my $me = $cgi->script_name;

 # this is declared as 'our' so
 # you can use it in your subs
 # without passing it each time
 our %F = ();

 # this saves a copy of the form
 # vars passed to your CGI script
 # in an easily accessible hash
 for($cgi->param()) {
   $F{$_} = $cgi->param($_);

 # this section calls different subs
 # (which print different HTML)
 # based on the value of a parameter
 # passed to the script.
 # print_frameset() is the default
 # which gets called if param(page)
 # isn't defined or is eq ''
 if(not defined $F{page} or
    $F{page} eq '') {
 } elsif($F{page} eq 'main') {
 } elsif($F{page} eq 'nav') {
 } elsif($F{page} eq 'data') {
 } else {
   $F{page} =~ s/[^a-z]//g;

 sub print_frameset {
   print qq^<html>
<head><title>example frameset</title></head>
<frameset ...>
  <frame name="nav" src="$me?page=nav" ...>
  <frame name="main" src="$me?page=main" ...>
  <frame name="data" src="$me?page=data" ...>

 sub print_main {
   print qq^<h1>This is my MAIN PAGE</h1>^;

 sub print_nav {
   print qq^<h1>This is my NAV PAGE</h1>^;

 sub print_data {
   print qq^<h1>This is my DATA PAGE</h1>^;

 sub print_error {
   print qq^<h1>Unsupported page [<font color="red">$F{page}</font>]

That code generates four html pages (possibly including an error page or
two), but it gets called four times. Sorry if I'm explaining something
you already understand, but this is essential.

> (search for 
> people etc) within a secured area.
> I would like to put the navigation sub into one frame, the retrieved 
> data (sub search1,2...)in another frame.
> But I do not want to use an  extra script for this.

An adaptation of the above example should work for you.

Good luck,


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