This question depends on what platform and web server you are using. Seeing
"wwwroot" I would assume it is Windows, but seeing the path
/usr/local/bin/perl certainly indicates *NIX. I have seen some *NIX web
hosting companies create a wwwroot directory as your main document
directory, though. In fact, I believe Hostway still does this with their
Linux web accounts.

If you are using IIS, you can set the directories in which you want to run
CGIs to "run scripts and executables."

If you are using Apache, you need to configure httpd.conf to support CGIs in
whatever directories you need to run them. Under no circumstance are you
limited to only running CGIs in a cgi-bin directory unless you are dealing
with a web host that specifically imposes this limitation.

At any rate, this is more of a web server issue than a Perl issue.


Scot Robnett
inSite Internet Solutions

-----Original Message-----
From: Lance Prais [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2002 4:23 PM
Subject: cgi question

I have never used CGI before and I was wondering if someone out there could
give me a good site that explains how to set up the environment.

I installed to the usr/local/bin/perl directory.
Do I need to create a cgi-bin folder.  if so what do I need to include in
Where do I place the script.cgi for it to work?  Right now, I have in
wwwroot folder. Is that correct?

Thank you

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