To expand a bit from a more general persective: The important distinction here is what is client-side and what is server-side. HTTP is a request/response protocol. So the interaction looks like this:
1) User (Client) requests page where your form is 2) Server delivers that page 3) User fills out the form 4) User submits the form, resulting in another request 5) Server processes that request and delivers another response What it sounds like you are looking for is something to allow the client browser to make some decisions during step 3, while the user is filling out the form. Since the last server response has completed (the page was successfully delivered), and the next won't start until the user submits, the client is on its own, and no server-side technology (Perl or whatever) can help at that point. You need a client-side technology. That's JavaScript. (Not to be confused with Java, which is an entirely separate language and is on the server side.) By the way, if you happen to look at Microsoft's support side, you'll see references to JScript, which is IE's implementation of JavaScript (although JavaScript works in IE too). IE also supports VBScript (similar syntax to Visual Basic) on the client. But of course browser-dependent technology is a big no-no unless you are programming for internal people only whom you can assume have a company-standard browser. A short JavaScript intro: If you have a form named "myForm" with a text input called "myInput", inside an HTML script tag you can refer to the value in this form as "document.myForm.myInput.value". You can use this value to assign to JavaScript variables or to other fields on the form, possibly hidden ones. That sounds like the sort of thing you're wanting to do. There are many good JavaScript references on-line to help you learn. - John --- David vd Geer Inhuur tbv IPlib <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Hi Onkar, > > Yes there is a solution, Javascript :) > > Maybe you'dd take a look at : > > Believe me, it's easier than you think. > > Good luck. David __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Health - your guide to health and wellness -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]