On Saturday, April 27, 2002, at 05:32 , Alex Swavely wrote:

> This was exactly the problem.  Not having dos2unix installed, I just 
> zipped
> it and then ran unzip with the -a option (convert files) and it worked
> smashingly.

now that is probably the one trick I haven't seen anyone yet
raise as the work around....

the real irony in all of this - that I just learned yesterday
is that if people did the decent bit

        #!/usr/bin/perl -w
        use strict;

then whether it is dos or unix formatted - it will still
work - the massed giggler is that mac's use the "\r" token
as their EOL designator - and that causes problems... as
the system can not chomp the correct things out to get
the lines to properly parse out....



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