I can't get this cgi script I downloaded to run...

the line in the apache log says:

  $ tail -2 /var/log/apache/error.log
  [Fri Apr 26 18:40:55 2002] [error] (2)No such file or directory: exec of
/usr/lib/cgi-bin/agbot/agbot.cgi failed
  [Fri Apr 26 18:40:55 2002] [error] [client] Premature end of
script headers: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/agbot/agbot.cgi

so I do a bit of manual checking like so:

  $ ls -l /usr/lib/cgi-bin/agbot/agbot.cgi
  -rwxr-xr-x    1 www-data www-data    52600 Apr 26 18:31

That looks ok, so then I:

  $ head -1 /usr/lib/cgi-bin/agbot/agbot.cgi
  $ which perl

Hmm, that looks right...

  $ ls -ld /usr/lib/cgi-bin/agbot
  drwxr-sr-x    3 www-data www-data     4096 Apr 26 18:31

And that looks ok, too...

So I try to run it:

  $ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/agbot/agbot.cgi
  bash: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/agbot/agbot.cgi: No such file or directory

however, run it like this:

  $ perl /usr/lib/cgi-bin/agbot/agbot.cgi

and it works just fine..  Huh?  I don't get it..

The makers may make             | Alex Swavely
and the users may use,          | web developer
but the fixers must fix         | [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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