Hi everyone!
I tried to make file-upload using this block. It works but uploaded file
can't be open after ulploading ...
Any ideas?
chmod(0777, $datadir);
my $new_file = $datadir.$file_name; my ($buffer, $bytes_read, $size); open(OUTFILE, ">$new_file") or die "Cannot upload to $datadir"; #binmode(OUTFILE); while ($bytes_read = read($file_to_attach, $buffer, 1024)) { $size += $bytes_read; print OUTFILE $buffer; } close (OUTFILE); chmod(0777, $new_file); -----------------------------------
WBR, Cyrill S. Poikarpov |
- File upload Polikarpov Cyrill
- File upload Vadiraj C S
- RE: File upload Ash Singh
- RE: File upload Ash Singh