Instead of using cgili_lib rather use cgi, 

I have already posted this code snippet I wrote but here's it again as an


use CGI;
use strict;

my $cgi = new CGI; print $cgi->header;
my $query = CGI::new();
use CGI qw(param);

my ($bytesread,$buffer);

my $filename = $query->param('uploaded_file');
my $submit = $query->param('Submit');

#path on the server where the file will be saved
my $path = 'D:\webs\test\UploadFolder';

my $newFileName = $filename;
$newFileName =~ s/^.*(\\|\/)//;      #get file name only (strip path)
my $FiletoWrite = "$path\\$newFileName";

if (defined($filename)) {
  open (OUTFILE,">$FiletoWrite") || die print "can't create file";
  binmode $filename;
  binmode OUTFILE;
  while ($bytesread=read($filename,$buffer,1024)) {
      print OUTFILE "$buffer";

  $filename = undef;
  $path = undef;
  $newFileName = undef;
  $FiletoWrite = undef;

-----Original Message-----
From: Vadiraj C S [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 19 March 2004 12:19 PM
Subject: File upload

 Hello List,

   I'm trying to upload a file from a browser to the server thru cgli_lib I
get this message while doing

 " reached end of input while seeking boundary of multipart.
Format of CGI input is wrong."

 " invalid method in request. "

 The method is POST which is essential for the fileupload to work. Every
thing is checked but this error is
sticking on screen. I've tried posted it in most of the mailing list, there
has been no response. 

 This list is my last hope, I would expect some hope atleast from the
moderator of this list..

Thanks in advance...


 Vadiraj C S

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