On Tuesday 15 January 2002 18:00, Roger C Haslock wrote:
> I was watching this correspondance earlier, and wondering why you are not
> using fetchrow_hashref. I now wonder why you get all the rows of data
> bundled into a single array. Does your interface have now way of returning
> data one row at a time?
> A simple solution to your problem would go along the lines of
> my $rows ='';
> while (@data) # is the array empty yet?
> {
>     my $row = "\n";    # just to layout the HTML for readability
>     for (0..$#columns)
>     {
>         my $element = shift @data;
>         $row .= td( $element )
>     }
>     $rows .= Tr($row)
> }
> print table({-border=>'1', -align=>'CENTER', -valign=>'TOP'},
>             Tr({-align=>'CENTER', -valign=>'TOP'},
>                 [
>                 th(\@columns)
>                 ]
>             ),
>             $rows
>         )
I tried your code, but I keep getting (even when I comment out your code!):
"Unrecognized character \xA0 at /usr/local/httpd/cgi-bin/CMD/Inv/inv-view.cgi 
line 101." Line 101 is the "for (0..$#columns)" bit.

Thanks for any help,


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