hope you be fine.
I am working like you..:)
test it...

my $sql_main = "SELECT name,famil FROM $main_table where famil='$USERNAME'
ORDER BY  name";

  $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql_main)
        and print "<B>View Users </B><BR>\n"
        or  die print "<B>Cannot prepare sql statement: </B> $sql_main
<BR><BR>$DBI:: errstr";

  my $rc = $sth->execute
        or  die print "<B>Cannot execute sql statement: </B> $sql_main <BR>

   print "<HR><Center>";
   print "<TABLE BORDER=5 CELLPADDING=5>\n";
   print "<TR>\n";

# Field name headings (one would only print one set of headings)
   @name = @{$sth->{'NAME'}};
   foreach my $head (@name) {  print "<TD><B>$head</B></TD>\n"; }
    print "<TD ALIGN=\"CENTER\"><B>Account</B>\n";
while(@row = $sth->fetchrow_array)

        print "<TR>\n";
        foreach my $field (@row) {
         print "<TD ALIGN=\"CENTER\"><B>$field</B></TD>\n";

        print "</TR>\n";

   print "</TABLE></CENTER>\n";
   print "\n <B>Number of rows returned:</B> ", $sth->rows, "<BR>\n";
             Have a nice day

Sincerely yours     Nafiseh Saberi

The amount of beauty required to
           launch one ship.

< I appreciate your sugesstions >
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gerry Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CGI Beginners" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 19:51 PM
Subject: Tables in CGI

> I've been tormented by a very small problem. I'm trying to display the
> results of a database query using CGI. What I've done is create
> to return the names of the table columns and another to return the data,
> of which are stored in seperate arrays. So I have my data, but the table
> doesn't come out right. The problem is the arrays can be of different
> and I'm finding it really difficult to code a dynamic table using CGI. I
> could do it in pure HTML easily, but that's not the point: I'm trying to
> my code consistent. I've searched the 'net but the solutions I found
> work.
> Thanks in advance,
> Gerry.
> --
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