At 07:48 PM 12/7/01 -0500, you wrote:
>At 07:25 PM 12/7/01 -0500, Mark Jervis Sr. wrote:
>>I am having my code write to a webpage. In the webpage I need to be able 
>>to change colors of the page and text.
>After you determine the colors, why not just code
>print qq|<body bgcolor="#$bgcolor" text="#$text">|;

Because the code is using either default settings of bgcolor="white" (which
is not my preference but something the Boss(aka old lady) wants me to do
because she can't understand hex colors)

or it is using hex numbers of bgcolor="#BE9292" which is her favorite color
therefore she doesn't care she just knows #BE9292 is her favorite web color.

>>I would also like the code to be able to use custom colors such as #BE9292.
>I wouldn't use that color code in particular, see my websafe color faq at 
> for the 
>reasons why this might be a bad idea. Specifying colors with their hex code 
>though is totally cool.

I understand web safe colors. However this program is being run on an in
house server and on all local machines. All the machines can see 16 million
colors so for this program this is an acceptable way of doing it. :-) But
thanks anyways and I did bookmark that page looks like a great tool for me
to use in the future. :-)

>>Howver the code is doing strange things when it either has to write # from 
>>what I enter on the web page because then it writes it as %23BE9292
>That's because you are getting the raw input where special characters are 
>represented by an ASCII transliteration of their hex codes. Sorry if that's 
>a mouthful, but the short answer may be to check out the input fetching 
>code examples on
>>or if I call it from the perl script and only enter BE9292 as a color then 
>>the script stops there and gets caught in a loop because to perl # is for 
>Hmm, I'd like to the see the specific code Mark. I generally don't run into 
>problems with Perl mistaking a '#' comment delimiter with a '#' being used 
>in a character string or other part of the code. I mean it can happen, but 
>if you post your code maybe we can figure out what will work.

My problem was I wasn't working my code out on paper first. I had to go
back to basics and write down in order what I wanted the code to do. This
taught me a valueable lesson on always writing out the code on paper first
before trying to code it. Yes this step is a time consumer but I found out
today it could have been a time saver. Hopefully others will read this and
learn what I learned today also. :-)

Thanks for the help though Marty :-) Your way of doing the quotes is going
to be a time saver for me in the future. :-) Your webpage is terrific as a
source of knowledge also. :-)


>Website Creation Made SIMPL(tm)
>WebSafe Color Picker --

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