At 07:25 PM 12/7/01 -0500, Mark Jervis Sr. wrote:

>I am having my code write to a webpage. In the webpage I need to be able 
>to change colors of the page and text.

After you determine the colors, why not just code

print qq|<body bgcolor="#$bgcolor" text="#$text">|;

>I would also like the code to be able to use custom colors such as #BE9292.

I wouldn't use that color code in particular, see my websafe color faq at for the 
reasons why this might be a bad idea. Specifying colors with their hex code 
though is totally cool.

>Howver the code is doing strange things when it either has to write # from 
>what I enter on the web page because then it writes it as %23BE9292

That's because you are getting the raw input where special characters are 
represented by an ASCII transliteration of their hex codes. Sorry if that's 
a mouthful, but the short answer may be to check out the input fetching 
code examples on

>or if I call it from the perl script and only enter BE9292 as a color then 
>the script stops there and gets caught in a loop because to perl # is for 

Hmm, I'd like to the see the specific code Mark. I generally don't run into 
problems with Perl mistaking a '#' comment delimiter with a '#' being used 
in a character string or other part of the code. I mean it can happen, but 
if you post your code maybe we can figure out what will work.


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