--- randy Peterman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I have to ask:  where are you getting the $UserName value?  What you are
> trying to do raises some
> >serious security issues if done incorrectly.
> I am getting it from a form input. 


The problem with that is untainting an email address (see "perldoc perlsec") is *very* 
to do correctly.  Let's say that the input box is named "UserName".  If you make any 
validating that information, you can open up your script to a HUGE security hole by 
allowing user
data near the shell.  Consider the following URL:

    http://www.somehost.com/cgi-bin/mail.cgi?[EMAIL PROTECTED]'%3brm%20-fr%20*%3b

Your shell command then becomes:

    /usr/lib/sendmail -t -i -f'[EMAIL PROTECTED]';rm -fr *;

Admittedly, I'm not a Unix security expert, but I suspect that this will have 
undesirable effects
:)  Playing around with that for a while should allow the cracker to have all sorts of 

> I am hard coding the "to" line so that I
> do not have to worry about spammers just using my page as a portal.  Also
> they are registered users with cookies and passwords to authenticate things
> so that there should be very little chance that anything should be relayed
> by accident. 

Cookies and passwords are very easy to sniff, social engineer, etc.  You're using SSL 
to afford
minimal protection, yes?

> then the list is checked to see if the person can post or not
> (its a private list)

Good!  Then you should already have their email address.  Rather than accepting 
$UserName from the
form input, validate the user and, if valid, grab their email from your internal data 
hopefully is secure) and use *that* email.

Curtis "Ovid" Poe

Senior Programmer
Onsite! Technology (http://www.onsitetech.com/)
"Ovid" on http://www.perlmonks.org/

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