>I have to ask: where are you getting the $UserName value? What you are
trying to do raises some
>serious security issues if done incorrectly.
I am getting it from a form input. I am hard coding the "to" line so that I
do not have to worry about spammers just using my page as a portal. Also
they are registered users with cookies and passwords to authenticate things
so that there should be very little chance that anything should be relayed
by accident. then the list is checked to see if the person can post or not
(its a private list) and then if they can post then, they get to be
subscribed or unsubscribed.
I'll take a look at one of the modules and try that out.
Thanks for your help.
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]