Maybe I'm missing something, but doesn't this work?

use strict;
use warnings;

sub routine1 {
    print "Calling routine2...\n";
    print "Done\n";

sub routine2 {
    print "\tCalled by ", (caller(1))[3], "\n";


Calling routine2...
        Called by main::routine1

Peter C.

> You could pass two arguments to the debugLogger, one the 
> message, and the
> other the sub name.  So it would be:
> sub x{
>     stuff
>     $sub_name = ""; #  Get the subroutine name.This is what i 
> need to grep.
>     debugLogger($sub_name, $message);
> }
> Then the debugLogger just has to print.  I know that's a lot 
> more work, but
> it might solve the problem.
> ----- Original Message -----
> > Thanks  Dwalu,
> >
> > But the what i need is the grep the name of the sub which 
> is calling the
> > loging sub.
> > As you have suggested "caller" only gives only the name of 
> current sub
> > routine that is &debugLogger it self.
> > And I had to do call the "caller" before calling the 
> "debugLogger" and
> pass


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