Good morning,

'caller' also takes an optional argument that specifies how far up the
calling stack (list of embedded functions) to traverse.  Try experimenting
with caller($i) where $i > 0 in your 'debugLogger' subroutine and you'll
see what I mean.  'caller' in a list context prints out additional data so
for just the function/subroutine name, try "(caller($i))[3]".

Make it around a little :-)

                                - Dwalu
I am an important person in this world -
Now is the most important time in my life -
My mistakes are my best teachers -
So I will be fearless.
                                - Student Creed

On Sat, 7 Jul 2001, Rajeev Rumale wrote:

=>Thanks  Dwalu,
=>But the what i need is the grep the name of the sub which is calling the
=>loging sub.
=>As you have suggested "caller" only gives only the name of current sub
=>routine that is &debugLogger it self.
=>And I had to do call the "caller" before calling the "debugLogger" and pass
=>all the info to it.
=>What i need is the the name of the sub rotuine which is "calling" the sub
=>Consider the following subs
=>sub someSub{
=>    statement 1;
=>    statement 2;
=>    statement 3;
=>    &debugLogger($message);
=>    &anotherSub;
=>sub anotherSub{
=>    statement 1;
=>    statement 2;
=>    statement 3;
=>    &debugLogger($message);
=>sub debugLogger {
=>    my $message = "@_";
=>     $sub_name = ""; #  Get the subroutine name.This is what i need to grep.
=>    open (LOGGER, ">> my.log") || die " unable to ope the log file";
=>    print LOGGER "\n----------------------------------------";
=>    print LOGGER "\nCalled from $sub_name.";
=>    print LOGGER "\n$message";
=>    print LOGGER "\n----------------------------------------";
=>    close LOGGER;
=>So if the sub "someSub" is called
=>The information I expect in the file is .
=>called from someSub
=>Here is the message.
=>called from anotherSub
=>Here is the message.
=>with regards
=>Rajeev Rumale
=>Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity.
=>----- Original Message -----
=>From: "Dwalu Z. Khasu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
=>To: "Rajeev Rumale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
=>Cc: "Beginners-Cgi (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
=>Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 3:47 PM
=>Subject: Re: getting the calling function name.
=>> See perldoc -f caller
=>> On Mon, 6 Aug 2001, Rajeev Rumale wrote:
=>> =>Hello Every Body,
=>> =>
=>> =>I need some help.
=>> =>I am using a sub routine to log all the messages to be used for
=>> =>purpose.
=>> =>ie. &debugLogger($debug_message);
=>> =>Since very similare kind of messages are genrated at serveral places, I
=>> =>the function name.
=>> =>i.e., &debugLogger("inside xxxxx  \n $debug_message");
=>> =>
=>> =>I feel it would be better as a prgramming style if sub debugLog is able
=>> =>find the name of the "calling function" or the name of the function
=>> =>"calling" this sub and genrate the appropriate message.
=>> =>
=>> =>
=>> =>with regards
=>> =>
=>> =>
=>> =>Rajeev Rumale
=>> =>
=>> =>
=>> =>***********************************************************
=>> =>     "The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is
=>> =>***********************************************************
=>> =>
=>> =>
=>> =>
=>> =>--
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=>> =>
=>> =>
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