--- Mark Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Have you taken a look at the GnuPG or Crypt::GPG
> modules on CPAN?
> Yep, I've looked (and longed), but my Web hosting
> service refers to them as "hooky." I think he's
> hostile because they aren't version 1 or higher (not
> that it really makes much difference). I also don't
> have the ability to directly ftp info into my cgi-bin,
> so I can't install the modules myself. I have to feed
> scripts to the hosting's support staff.
> I know using a module would be much better (I am quite
> the newbie), but I'm think I'm stuck trying it myself.
> So, other than changing hosting providers, any hints?
> --Mark.

Well, here's one hint, though it may be a stretch:  on a post at Perlmonks, someone 
claimed that
they could not use CGI.pm "due to the server [he] will be using [his program] on."  
Schwartz pointed out that this still wasn't an excuse: 

The point of that post is that there *are* ways you can sneak modules into your code.  
Give it a
shot and see what happens.  If your code is subjected to code review by the support 
staff, I can
virtually guarantee that they do not know Perl terribly well.  You may want to alter 
some of the
comments and POD to disguise the source (if this is allowed under the license).

Curtis Poe

Senior Programmer
Onsite! Technology (http://www.onsitetech.com/)
"Ovid" on http://www.perlmonks.org/

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