Have you taken a look at the GnuPG or Crypt::GPG modules on CPAN?
These would probably work really good for what you're doing, and
you wouldn't have to worry about redirecting STDOUT.

Brad Handy

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Ross [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 12:11 PM
> Subject: Redirecting STDOUT
> Hi all,
> I have a Perl script that takes the contents of a
> form, feeds them to GnuPG for encryption and then
> emails me the encrypted document. GPG wants to either
> display the results in STDOUT or write a text file,
> both of which aren’t good.
> I was hoping redirect STDOUT to a variable for a short
> time.
> I’ve seen references to redirecting filehandles in the
> documentation, but no details on how to do it. (Which
> I’m sure are there, but I’ve just missed). Could
> someone point me where to look?
> Thanks,
> --Mark.
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