Hello everybody,

I need some help I am working on a searching and extarction secipt, where i
need to extract information from HTML and XML files.

Its simple I need to find some know tags and gett the information enclosed
between them. I faced with a problem when there are multiple ocurances of
same tags.

I am only getting the last occurance of the pattern and not all.
for example if the lines in the files are

<product>Product 1</product>
<product>Product 2</product>
<product>Product 3</product>
<product>Product 4</product>

What i am getting is only the last match.

Kindly let me know how I can get the first match.

if done I can then do a loop to extract the other ocurances.

The code I am useing is as follows.

while ($line=<FILE>)
close FILE;

# remove new line, tab characters form the text of the file
$lines=~s/[\n\r\|]/ /g;

# get the title...
  $title = (   $lines =~s/<product>(.{0,100})<\/product>/
    ) ? $1 : 'No Title';

print $title;

I am working on Active Perl on Win2K machine.

thanks  in advance

Rajeev Rumale

"The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter."

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