"Deneb Pettersson (LMF)" wrote:
> > "Deneb Pettersson (LMF)" wrote:
> > >
> > > Do both these things handle graphs aswell, or do i have to use
> > > something else for that. Basically this is at the moment a planning
> >
> > with the spreadsheet::parseexcel module, it simply reads cell contents
> > in a worksheet. if you want to handle graphs, you'd have to
> > read in the
> > values to be plotted and use chart-pnggraph, gifgraph, or something
> > equivalent.
> >
> Ok, that already is getting to complicated to be worth the effort.
> Has someone maybe just read the excel documents as input and
> processedd them as normal input? Cause if i have to do the graphs
> aswell that's gonna be alot of work, with 10 graphs using different
i've done it, it's really not that bad. yes, you will have to make sure
the user puts any graph data in the same place, or you can ask them to
put a delimiter on each page that has data to indicate to the perl
script where the data begins.
other than that, the spreadsheet::parseexcel module works very well and
is simple to use.
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