Hi. Just wondering if someone has doen dynamic pages with infromation extracted from a 
excel document. My current solution for the problem is pretty simple, but it could be 
even easier if you can get the info out of the excel. Atm. I am thinking of saving the 
excel document as excel, that way i get all the info, and I get graphs as gif's.  Then 
I was thinking of just letting the CGI read the info from the documents and use the 
graphs which excel saves as img0001.gof etc. as pictures. That way whe someoen edit 
the excel i can just tell tehm to save as html and then i get the updated version of 
the pages.

What would be easier is to have the data extracted from the excel directly, but i ahve 
no idea how that is done, or if it even is possible. Has someone done something 

And the reason for not using the direct html output from excel is that it's crappy 
code, it doesnät look the way I want it to, and it hasn't gottne the corporate 
included SSI's for the intranet....


Deneb Pettersson
Node Product Unit Media Gateway
Oy L M Ericsson Ab
Tel: +358 9 299 3112
Mobile: +358 40 510 6487

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