At 10:47 PM 07/12/2001 -0500, Teresa Raymond wrote:

>use Image::Size;
> (in between code snipped)
>use Image::Size qw{ imgsize };

Why are you use-ing Image::Size twice? The first declaration is enough.

This code seems to work just fine when I run it from my commandline (both
on Win2k and Linux)

My guess is that you dont have Image::Size installed where the script
thinks it should be...What happens when you run this script from /your/

For debugging the dreaded "500 Internal Server Error", *always* use
CGI::Carp with the 'fatalsToBrowser' option so script errors will echo to
your browser window (just make sure to turn it off when your script goes
"live", for security reasons), otherwise you're flying blind when you get
to the debugging phase of your program. 500-errors are almost always the
result of a syntax error or premature death somewhere in your script. Carp
will tell you exactly what the problem was, and where it will
running the script from the command-line using -w.

Also, I guess it should also be said (for the 8-millionth time ;)) that you
should ALWAYS 'use strict' for every script you write. 

hth. aloha,
mel matsuoka                      Hawaiian Image Productions
Chief Executive Alphageek                (vox)1.808.531.5474
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    (fax)1.808.526.4040

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