Dear fliptop or others:

I finally had a chance to try out some of the email attachment code 
and right know I'm testing the script and receive an error using the 
Image::Size module at the line:  my ($x, $y, $id) = imgsize($file); 
Any help would be appreciated.

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

use CGI;
use lib '/path/to/lib';
use Image::Size;

my $q=new CGI;
my $sender=$q->param('sender');
my $recipient=$q->param('recipient');
my $company=$q->param('company');
my $firstname=$q->param('firstname');
my $lastname=$q->param('lastname');
my $file=$q->param('file');
my $filepath="/www/chicagoweeklynews";

use Image::Size qw{ imgsize };

my ($x, $y, $id) = imgsize($file); # CAUSES INTERNAL SERVER ERROR

print "Content-type: text/html \n\n";
print "<html><body><p>Made It!</p></body></html>";
*** Teresa Raymond

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