At 05:51 AM 07/10/2001 +0200, Evgeny Goldin (aka Genie) wrote:
>  Hello,
> My goal is following : after user accesses http://host/ ( either
> by direct link or by submitting the filled form ) I'd like to open a
> "Save as" dialog - to let him download a binary ( compressed ) file.
> 1) print header( "application/x-gzip" );
>    open ( FIN, "TXTs.tar.gz" );
>    binmode FIN;
>    print <FIN>;
>    works, but the file is going to be saved under "script.gz" name
instead of
>    original "TXTs.tar.gz" - how can I specify the original name ?

Try setting a "Content-disposition: filename=filename.gz" http header.

Also, I've had better luck using the "application/octet-stream"
Content-type header instead. I have a "secure download" script which
basically streams binary data off the webserver root and allows the user to
download it. The headers I set look like this (where $fs is the filesize of
the data to be sent): 

Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: $fs
Content-disposition: filename=downloaded.mp3



mel matsuoka                      Hawaiian Image Productions
Chief Executive Alphageek                (vox)1.808.531.5474
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    (fax)1.808.526.4040

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