My goal is following : after user accesses http://host/script.pl ( either
by direct link or by submitting the filled form ) I'd like to open a
"Save as" dialog - to let him download a binary ( compressed ) file.
1) print header( "application/x-gzip" );
open ( FIN, "TXTs.tar.gz" );
binmode FIN;
print <FIN>;
works, but the file is going to be saved under "script.gz" name instead of
original "TXTs.tar.gz" - how can I specify the original name ?
2) Something much simpler :
print "Location: TXTs.tar.gz\n\n";
It works as expected and, actually, does what I need, but since I'm
a new in CGI I'm not sure this is the correct way.
So, what is the correct way for letting the user to download the binary
file as script's response ?
I'll be grateful for any help, thank you !