Jason Purdy wrote:
> I KNOW if I had access to the error_log, this issue woulda been resolved a
> lot sooner (well, along with other variables, too ... if I were a keener
> debugger, better code-inheriter (*grin*), etc). But I now know if I get an
> ISE and I have the Carp & $|++ in there, I'm looking at either a compiler
> problem or a script setup problem (ASCII upload, privs, shebang, etc). But
> there's no way to actually get the error_log output redirected for the life
> of a script to a local file that I can access, is there?
i can't really answer your question, but i have something to say on
if the company that hosts your site gives you a cgi-bin but doesn't
offer customized error logs (where only the errors from your cgi-bin are
put into a file that's readable by you), then i'd say it's time to find
somewhere else to host the domain. i work for a company that hosts
thousands of domains and we provide both. imho, any company that
doesn't is both lame and disservicing their clients.
you know, i once had this problem (no access to error logs), and i
solved it by digging an old 486 out of my basement, installing redhat
6.2/perl/apache/mod_perl on it, and using it as a dev box.
you'd be surprised how quick a 486 with 32mb ram can process cgi
requests when running mod_perl.
anyway, just my $0.02