Thanks to everyone for their help ... I tracked down the error with your
help ... it was a call to connect to a database, which I did re-work, but
didn't include ValueWeb's mySQL server.  Guess it wasn't localhost ... D'oh!

I KNOW if I had access to the error_log, this issue woulda been resolved a
lot sooner (well, along with other variables, too ... if I were a keener
debugger, better code-inheriter (*grin*), etc).  But I now know if I get an
ISE and I have the Carp & $|++ in there, I'm looking at either a compiler
problem or a script setup problem (ASCII upload, privs, shebang, etc).  But
there's no way to actually get the error_log output redirected for the life
of a script to a local file that I can access, is there?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Gabor Szabo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jason Purdy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: Errors

> > #1 - tried that and still getting the ISE, so it must be a compiler
> > ... I didn't know all of those tips - that will help me with this
> > (and w/ future ones, too) - now if I could just find out what the
> > compiler
> > problem is ... the syntax checks out ... I can't telnet & execute the
> > script
> > in their environment.
> if your script compiles on windows but (probably) not on the UNIX machine
> then
> 1) are you sure you are upload the file as ascii file ? (not binary)
> 2) maybe you are trying tu use a module that is not on that system
> 3) try to put __END__ in your script , the compiler will ignore the rest
> the
> file so you might be able to see exatly where is the line that causes the
> problem
> -- Gabor
> --
> Gabor Szabo
> Web backend development
> Phone: +972-(0)54-624648

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