Sorry, I just thought the text would be too long.

#! /perl/bin/perl

$Course_Name = "White-Run Golf Club";
$Course_Tee = "White";
$Course_Rate = "70.3";
$Course_Slope = "124";
#Current Course Data:
#@Course_Par = (4,5,4,3,5,4,3,4,4,5,4,3,4,4,4,5,3,4);
#@Course_Yardage = 
#@Course_Handicap = (13,7,3,17,9,15,11,1,5,10,2,8,6,18,4,12,14,16);
#2000 Course Data:
@Course_Par = (5,4,3,4,4,4,5,3,4,4,5,4,3,5,4,3,4,4);
@Course_Yardage = 
@Course_Handicap = (10,2,8,6,18,4,12,14,16,13,7,3,17,9,15,11,1,5);

$prevname[0] = "";
$rounds = 0;
my $fline0;
my $i;

Open_Files ();
$i = 0;
$n = 0;
$lowsum = 0;
$highsum = 0;

ReadNextRec: while ( <IFD> )
        Load_Stat_Rec ();
        Process_Rec ();
Finish_Up ();

sub Compare_Player ()
        printf ("\nIn Compare_Player ():\n");
        printf ("  Curr Name is %22s\n", @name[$i]);
        printf ("  Prev Name is %22s\n", @prevname[0]);
        if (@name[$i] ne @prevname[0])
                $z = 0;
                if (@prevname[0] ne "")
                        Prnt_Player_Stats ();
                Prnt_Header_info ();
                @prevname[0] = @name[$i];
        }  #end sub Compare_Player ()

sub Finish_Up ()
        Prnt_Player_Stats ();
        printf ("Number of records in %4u\n", $i);
        printf ("Number of players in %4u\n", $n);
        close IFD;
        close OF;
        close OF2;
        }  #end sub Finish_Up ()

sub Load_Stat_Rec ()
        $fline0 = $_;
        @name[$i]           = substr $fline0,0,22;
        @course[$i]         = substr $fline0,22,2;
        @tee[$i]            = substr $fline0,25,2;
        @team[$i]           = substr $fline0,27,3;
        @date[$i]           = substr $fline0,31,10;
        @nine[$i]           = substr $fline0,42,1;
        @score[$i]          = substr $fline0,45,18;           #046 - 063
        @total[$i]          = substr $fline0,64,2;
        @handicap[$i]       = substr $fline0,67,2;
        @opponent[$i]       = substr $fline0,70,2;
        @week[$i]           = substr $fline0,73,2;
        @substitute[$i]     = substr $fline0,75,22;
        @notes[$i]          = substr $fline0,98,25;

        $q = 0;
        $r = 0;
        while ($q < 9)
                @hole[$q] = substr @score[$i],$r,2;
                if ((@hole[$q] eq 'X') or (@hole[$q] eq '0X'))
                        @hole[$q] = 10;
                $r = $r + 2;
        if (@hole[$0] == 0)
                last ReadNextRec;
        }  #end sub Load_Stat_Rec ()

sub Open_Files ()
        open (IFD,"<C:/PERL/PGMS/stats2001.txt")
                || die "Can't open input file C:/PERL/PGMS/Stat2001.txt\n";
        open (OF,">C:/PERL/PGMS/Rept2001.txt")
                || die "can't open output file C:/PERL/PGMS/Rept2001.txt\n";
        open (OF2,">C:/PERL/PGMS/Summary_Rept2001.txt")
                || die "can't open output file C:/PERL/PGMS/Summary_Rept2001.txt\n";
        for ($y = 0; $y < 12; $y++ )
                @totover[$y] = 0;
        while ($p < 18)
                @overunder[$p] = 0;
                @highscore[$p] = 0;
                @lowscore[$p] = 10;
        }  #end sub Open_Files ()

sub Process_Rec ()
        printf ("     prev Name is %22s\n", @prevname[0]);
        Compare_Player ();
        printf OF  ("             Date: %10s     Week: %2s   Handicap: %2s\n", 
                @week[$i], @handicap[$i]);
        printf OF ("             
        printf OF  ("  Hole       ");
        $a = 1;
        printf OF2  ("   %10s", @date[$i]);
        while ($a <= 9)
                printf OF  (" %3u", $a);
        printf OF  ("\n  Par        ");
        $a = 0;
        while ($a < 9)
                printf OF  (" %3u", @Course_Par[$a]);
        printf OF ("\n             
        $rndtot = 0;
        $q = 0;
        printf OF ("  Score      ");
        while ($q < 9)
                printf OF (" %3u", @hole[$q]);
                printf OF2 (" %3u", @hole[$q]);
                $rndtot = $rndtot + @hole[$q];
        printf OF ("  %3u  %3u", @total[$i], $rndtot);
        printf OF2 ("       %3u   %4u", $rndtot, @handicap[$i]);
        printf OF ("\n");
        printf OF2 ("\n");
        printf OF ("             
        Round_Stats ();
        }  #end sub Process_Rec ()

sub Round_Stats ()
        ## calculate summary
        for ($b = 0; $b < 12; $b++ )
                @over[$b] = 0;
        $s = 0;
                $af = @hole[$s] - @Course_Par[$s];
                if (@hole[$s] == 1)
                for ($xx=-2,$yy=1; $xx<=11; $xx++, $yy++)
                        if ($af == $xx)
                $af = 0;
                } until $s > 8;

        ## calculate averages
        $p= 0;
        while ($p < 9)
                if (@hole[$p] > @highscore[$p])
                        @highscore[$p] = @hole[$p];
                if (@hole[$p] < @lowscore[$p])
                        @lowscore[$p] = @hole[$p];
                @sumhole[$p] = @sumhole[$p] + @hole[$p];
        Prnt_Round_Stats ();
        }  #end sub Round_Stats ()

sub Prnt_Header_info ()
        printf ("\n     curr Name is %22s     Team : %3s\n", @name[$i], @team[$i]);

        printf OF ("Golfer: %22s     Team: %3s\n", @name[$i], @team[$i]);
        printf OF2 ("Golfer: %22s     Team: %3s\n", @name[$i], @team[$i]);
        printf OF ("Course: %25s   Tee: %7s   Rating/Slope: %3u/%3u\n\n",
                       $Course_Name, $Course_Tee, $Course_Rate, $Course_Slope);
        printf OF2 ("Course: %25s   Tee: %7s   Rating/Slope: %3u/%3u\n\n",
                       $Course_Name, $Course_Tee, $Course_Rate, $Course_Slope);
        printf OF  ("             
        printf OF2 ("             
        printf OF  ("  Hole       ");
        printf OF2 ("  Hole       ");
        $a = 1;
        while ($a <= 18)
                printf OF  (" %3u", $a);
                printf OF2 (" %3u", $a);
        printf OF  ("\n  Yardage    ");
        printf OF2 ("\n  Yardage    ");
        $a = 0;
        while ($a < 18)
                printf OF  (" %3u", @Course_Yardage[$a]);
                printf OF2 (" %3u", @Course_Yardage[$a]);
        printf OF  ("\n  Par        ");
        printf OF2 ("\n  Par        ");
        $a = 0;
        while ($a < 18)
                printf OF  (" %3u", @Course_Par[$a]);
                printf OF2 (" %3u", @Course_Par[$a]);
        printf OF  ("\n  Handicap   ");
        printf OF2 ("\n  Handicap   ");
        $a = 0;
        while ($a < 18)
                printf OF  (" %3u", @Course_Handicap[$a]);
                printf OF2 (" %3u", @Course_Handicap[$a]);
        printf OF ("\n             
        printf OF2 ("\n             
        }  #end sub Prnt_Header_info ()

sub Prnt_Player_Stats ()
        ## print averages
        printf OF2 ("           
        printf OF2 ("       Low : ");
        $p= 0;
        while ($p < 9)
                printf OF2 (" %3u", @lowscore[$p]);
                $lowsum = $lowsum + @lowscore[$p];
        $p= 0;
        printf OF2 ("       %3u\n       High: ", $lowsum);
        while ($p < 9)
                printf OF2 (" %3u", @highscore[$p]);
                $highsum = $highsum + @highscore[$p];
        printf OF2 ("       %3u\n       Avg :   ", $highsum);
        $p= 0;
        $avgsum = 0;
        while ($p < 9)
                @avghole[$p] = @sumhole[$p]/$rounds;
                printf OF2 (" %3.1f", @avghole[$p]);
                $avgsum = $avgsum + @avghole[$p];
        printf OF2 ("     %5.1f\n    Par +/-:   ", $avgsum);
        $p= 0;
        $sumoverunder = 0;
        while ($p < 9)
                @overunder[$p] = @avghole[$p] - @Course_Par[$p];
                printf OF2 (" %3.1f", @overunder[$p]);
                $sumoverunder = $sumoverunder + @overunder[$p];
        printf OF2 ("     %5.1f\n", $sumoverunder);
        printf OF2 ("           

        $no_of_holes = 0;
        for ($m = 0; $m < 18; $m++)
                @percent[$m] = 0;
        for ($f = 0; $f < 9; $f++)
                $no_of_holes = $no_of_holes + @totover[$f];
        printf ("  # holes: %5u\n", $no_of_holes);
        for ($e=0;$e<12;$e++)
                if (@totover[$e] == 0)
                        @percent[$e] = 0;
                        @percent[$e] = (@totover[$e] * 100) / $no_of_holes;
                printf ("  %6.2f", @percent[$e]);
        printf ("\n");
        printf OF (" Player Summary:\n");
        printf OF2 (" Player Summary:  # of Rounds = %3u   # of Holes = %5u\n", 
$no_of_holes/9, $no_of_holes);
        printf OF (" 
        printf OF2 (" 
        printf OF ("  ACE   : %2u  %6.2f   BOGEY    : %2u  %6.2f   PLUS 5: %2u  
%6.2f\n", @totover[0], @percent[0],
                @totover[4],  @percent[4], @totover[8]), @percent[8];
        printf OF2 ("  ACE   : %2u  %6.2f   BOGEY    : %2u  %6.2f   PLUS 5: %2u  
%6.2f\n", @totover[0], @percent[0],
                @totover[4],  @percent[4], @totover[8]), @percent[8];
        printf OF ("  EAGLE : %2u  %6.2f   DOUBLE   : %2u  %6.2f   PLUS 6: %2u  
%6.2f\n", @totover[1], @percent[1],
                @totover[5], @percent[5], @totover[9]), @percent[9];
        printf OF2 ("  EAGLE : %2u  %6.2f   DOUBLE   : %2u  %6.2f   PLUS 6: %2u  
%6.2f\n", @totover[1], @percent[1],
                @totover[5], @percent[5], @totover[9]), @percent[9];
        printf OF ("  BIRDIE: %2u  %6.2f   TRIPLE   : %2u  %6.2f   PLUS 7: %2u  
%6.2f\n", @totover[2],  @percent[2],
                @totover[6],  @percent[6], @totover[10],  @percent[10]);
        printf OF2 ("  BIRDIE: %2u  %6.2f   TRIPLE   : %2u  %6.2f   PLUS 7: %2u  
%6.2f\n", @totover[2],  @percent[2],
                @totover[6],  @percent[6], @totover[10],  @percent[10]);
        printf OF ("  PAR   : %2u  %6.2f   QUADRUPLE: %2u  %6.2f   PLUS 8: %2u  
%6.2f\n", @totover[3],  @percent[3],
                @totover[7],  @percent[7], @totover[11],  @percent[11]);
        printf OF2 ("  PAR   : %2u  %6.2f   QUADRUPLE: %2u  %6.2f   PLUS 8: %2u  
%6.2f\n", @totover[3],  @percent[3],
                @totover[7],  @percent[7], @totover[11],  @percent[11]);
        printf OF (" 
        printf OF2 (" 
        for ($c = 0; $c < 18; $c++ )
                @totover[$c] = 0;
                @avghole[$c] = 0;
                @percent[$c] = 0;
                @sumhole[$c] = 0;
                @overunder[$c] =0;
                @highscore[$c] = 0;
                @lowscore[$c] = 10;
        $lowsum = 0;
    $highsum = 0;
        $no_of_holes = 0;
        $avgsum = 0;
        $rounds = 0;
        }  #end sub Prnt_Player_Stats ()

sub Prnt_Round_Stats ()
        for ($e=0;$e<12;$e++)
                if (@over[$e] == 0)
                        @percent[$e] = 0;
                        @percent[$e] = (@over[$e] * 100) / 9;
        printf OF (" Round Summary:\n");
        printf OF (" 
        printf OF ("  ACE   : %2u  %6.2f   BOGEY    : %2u  %6.2f   PLUS 5: %2u  
%6.2f\n", @over[0],  @percent[0],
                @over[4],  @percent[4], @over[8],  @percent[8]);
        printf OF ("  EAGLE : %2u  %6.2f   DOUBLE   : %2u  %6.2f   PLUS 6: %2u  
%6.2f\n", @over[1],  @percent[1],
                @over[5],  @percent[5], @over[9],  @percent[9]);
        printf OF ("  BIRDIE: %2u  %6.2f   TRIPLE   : %2u  %6.2f   PLUS 7: %2u  
%6.2f\n", @over[2],  @percent[2],
                @over[6],  @percent[6], @over[10],  @percent[10]);
        printf OF ("  PAR   : %2u  %6.2f   QUADRUPLE: %2u  %6.2f   PLUS 8: %2u  
%6.2f\n", @over[3],  @percent[3],
                @over[7],  @percent[7], @over[11],  @percent[11]);
        printf OF (" 
        for ($c = 0; $c < 18; $c++ )
                @over[$c] = 0;
                @percent[$c] = 0;
        }  #end sub Prnt_Round_Stats ()

----Original Message Follows----
From: Mark Bergeron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Re: Code Review
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 11:52:57 -0700 (PDT)

Just insert your code insode the email itself so we can have a look that 

Mark Bergeron

-----Original Message-----
From: "Al Hospers"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri Jun 22 11:08:23 PDT 2001
Subject: Re: Code Review

 >PLEASE do NOT send attachments to the list.
 >Al Hospers
 >CamberSoft, Inc.
 >A famous linguist once said:
 >"There is no language wherein a double
 >positive can form a negative."

/~_. _ | _ _  _  _
\_/|(_||| | |(_)| |
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