On Tuesday 19 June 2001 7:07 pm, you wrote:
> This link should have several examples of what you are looking for.
> http://stein.cshl.org/WWW/software/CGI/examples/
> --- "Moon, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ditto ... any body doing this ?... I too want to uses frames to send a
> > message to another frame without regenerating the form in the originating
> > frame ...
> >
> > or is there a CGI solution I'm not seeing ?
> >
> > John W Moon
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Geraint Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: June 19, 2001 06:13
> > Subject: Server Push
> >
> >
> > Hello list,
> >
> > I've just implemented a CGI script that uses a server push, and while it
> > performs the required task, I was wondering if there is any way of
> > improving
> >
> > it. For example, is it possible to use frames? That is, can I keep one
> > frame
> >
> > static while updating another frame? Are there any resources on the web
> > that
> >
> > covers Server Push and what you can do with it?
The examples on the CGI homepage are already in the book and show only the
most basic examples of Server Push. I would like to know if there is anything
else you can do with Server Push. I know Server Push is similar to daemons
and can perform similar tasks, but what can be done in a web/CGI context.
Does anyone have any ideas or examples?