At 02:38 PM 06/14/2001 -0400, Brett W. McCoy wrote:
>On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, Mel Matsuoka wrote:
>> IMO, telnet *should* be considered "defunct", except when using it for
>> debugging and diagnostic purposes (i.e. telnetting directly to service
>> ports). If you (or your server admin) aren't using SSH, it's about high
>> time that you should, for security's sake.
>I wouldn't say it's defunct, but it's use is deprecated in favour of SSH.

That's why I used the term "defunct" in quotes. Obviously telnet is still
widely used, but I would hope that people (especially server admins) start
/thinking/ of telnet as "defunct", just so it becomes more ubiquitous.

However, on more and more systems nowadays telnet *is* defunct, as some
security conscious admins /only/ allow ssh/ssh2 connections. 


mel matsuoka                      Hawaiian Image Productions
Chief Executive Alphageek                (vox)1.808.531.5474
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    (fax)1.808.526.4040

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