At 01:59 PM 06/14/2001 -0400, Brett W. McCoy wrote:

>PuTTY is another decent Telent/SSH client, and provides a lot of decent
>xterm functionality, including mouse clipbaord support.

Let me chime in to endorse PuTTY as well. It's a fantastic, fast and free
(with no strings attached) telnet/ssh client. One of the great things about
it is that it's a small standalone executable, so theres no "installer"
that throws goofy .dlls and crap all over your hard drive. I just drop it
into my main Windows folder so I can get at it from any DOS window.

You can download it from

IMO, telnet *should* be considered "defunct", except when using it for
debugging and diagnostic purposes (i.e. telnetting directly to service
ports). If you (or your server admin) aren't using SSH, it's about high
time that you should, for security's sake.


mel matsuoka                    Hawaiian Image Productions
Chief Executive Alphageek              (vox)1.808.531.5474
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  (fax)1.808.526.4040

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