Meeting #1791 - Monday, 13 January, 2025 Trey Haddad, President Ken Patterson, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
In-person at Parktown Pizza 3031 Meridian Ave, San Jose, CA 95124 And online via Zoom: Called to order at 20:02 Total of 10/1 in attendance Secretary The minutes of meeting 1790 were posted online, and were accepted as: They’re posted Treasurer Regular: $15,805.32 Party: $230.58 Money can be sent to salve guilt via PayPal - sent to: Though we did accrue $$123.10 since the resumption of live meetings. Vice President Welcomes Andy to the group. President Not present. Committees: None. New Business: None. Announcements: Yochanan: Creation Entertainments StarTrek to San Francisco will be at the Hyatt Regency in Burlingame January 24-26. <> Lisa: Furcon is in San Jose 16-20 January. <> Jason: BayCon2025/WesterCon77 will be July 4-7. Always looking for staff members. <> Jerry: qep'a' wejmaH cha'DIch (the Klingon Language Institute’s annual conference) is July 17-19 in Indianapolis <> Rick: On Monday, 20 January – the MLK Day Federal holiday – he will be driving to Pinnacles National Park (east entrance) in the morning for a hike in one of the most spectacular and celebrated places, probably through the Bear Gulch talus cave and up to Bear Gulch Reservoir, a moderate hike of about 2.5 miles – and driving around the east side of the park to see the sights. Why that day? Because it's the next "free admission" day for national parks. <> , <> , <> He would be glad to bring along up to three passengers. Reviews Yochanan Nosferatu (in cinemas) Very atmospheric. Period, set in Germany. Neat shadow play. Interesting cast. Liked it (sister didn’t as much, she thinks Vampires should be beautiful). Full price for fans of horror. Frank Herbert's Children of Dune (DVD/BD) Very interesting story. Never seen of read this. Same company as the TV series. FX have improved. James McAvoy and Susan Sarandon are in it. Really recommend. Really a blend of Children and Messiah. 3x90+ min episodes. (is on YouTube) 28 Week Later (available online) Not nearly as good as 28 Days Later. Silly people making dumb mistakes. None of the original cast. Jeremy Renner is in it. Not as pleased. 28 Years Later is coming soon to theatres. <> Baba Yaga: Terror of the Dark Forest. Russian film (found on Prime) Dissappointed that there wasn’t a Russian version, only dubbed. Baby eating witch. Story skidded around. Worth the $3 paid, but not highly recommended. <> Rick Silo (claustrophobic dystopian – liking is, ) Star Wars: Skeleton Crew (Goonies meets Star Wars, and quite well – <> ) both barreling to their season finales. Worth people’s time. Andy: Skeleton Crew is fantastic (and so says Yochanan). Lisa Classic Doctor Who on YouTube. Whole stories are being posted. Great fun to watch all the old shows. There’s also recent bits from the living Doctors. Andy Been playing Cyberpunk Red (table-top RPG) and now playing Lancer. Mechanics may be clunky, and the graphics are fun. Free to download. Ken La Antena (The Aerial) (MUBI, YouTube) Argentinan film about a town that has lost the ability to talk – but still communicate with words that spelled mid-air. Heavily influenced by German impressionist cinema – especially Lang and Murnau (plus German politics of the ’30s & ‘40s). Mostly a silent film, with some dialogue, with the music doing a lot of the heavy aural lifting – including sound effects. <> Duncan also recommends. (there is a LQ version on YouTube) Rumor of the Week: Hope to see fellow BASFAns at a convention near you. Adjourned at: 20:57 There was an auction
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