Minutes of Meeting #1767
Monday, July 29, 2024

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary
meeting held online AND meeting live at Parktown Pizza [at Meridian &
Hillsdale in SJ]

***NEW & improved*** ZOOM Meeting Registration link:

Called to order at 8 pm
13live/6online beings attended the meeting

The minutes of meeting 1766 were accepted as 'weird'

proxy treasurer report is we have money:  Regular: $15,805.32;    Party:
[& +$57.35 more over the live meetings, up thru 1766]
Money can be sent to salve guilt via Paypal - sent to = dwgalla...@gmail.com

the VP had nothing fannish to report

the President had nothing fannish to report


Rick announced that Worldcon in Glasgow will be very, very soon
         and he announced that the season 5 preview for 'Lower Decks' is
now out & Ken follow on'd that there is a preview for 'Star Trek Section
31' out now that will be on Paramount Plus
see = https://www.startrek.com/news/section-31-teaser-trailer-sdcc
         and Rick announced that a preview video for the Dr Who Christmas
episode is out now
see =

Yochanan announced that during ComicCon there have been many fun things
happening among fandoms, including a cross-over game between the Dr Who &
the Lower Decks mobile games
see =
        and he announced that there will be a  at the Beverly Hills Fine
Arts Theater showing all the 'Star Trek' movies on  Aug 30 till Sept 1st as
a 60th anniversary special

Lisa announced that the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of San Jose will
host a game night this Friday night, and the first Friday of every month,
starting at 6pm & announced that they will also be showing 'Hundreds of
Beavers' on Wednesday, starting at 6pm - the ticket costs $30 & includes a
hamburger dinner with sides & a drink; for more details check =


Yochanan reviewed 'Escaping the Dashia' by Rebecca Inch-Partridge, a young
adult novel, as inventive, a very entertaining read & he liked it a lot
see = https://www.ripartridge.com/escaping-the-dashia
         and Yochanan reviewed an 8 episode Netflix show, 'Dead Boy
Detectives' as wonderful & interesting & he hopes there is another season
of it
see = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Boy_Detectives_(TV_series)
         and Yochanan reviewed 'Unfrosted', seen on Netflix, as a movie
directed by Jerry Seinfeld & full of comedians as full of silliness and
very funny
see = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unfrosted

Rick reviewed the Netflix 8-episode Chinese version of 'Three Body Problem'
as a little 'dummied down', the effects are good & the acting is quite
good.  He looks forward to seasons 2 & 3
see =

Gerry reviewed a Heinlein essay 'Concerning Stories Never Written' as
chillingly prescient
a brief quote can be found here =

Rani reviewed 'Moonbound' by local author Robin Sloan as clever & creative
see = https://www.robinsloan.com/moonbound/

Ken reviewed 'Deadpool & Wolverine' as a feast of comic violence and great
fun & he highly recommends it as worth full price
see = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deadpool_%26_Wolverine

Geri reviewed the 31st Annual Klingon Language Conference in Indianapolis,
as she attended online, over Discord and had a fun time with language.  She
thought it was worth full price for online
see = https://www.kli.org/

and the rumor of the week was = 'Not only is a Star Trek-Doctor Who mashup
a hoot – it’s Dalek-table'

And at the live meeting, Talia became a member of BASFA

we adjourned at = 8:41pm

there was an auction

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