Meeting #1763 - Monday, 1 July, 2024

Trey Haddad, President
Ken Patterson, Vice President
Dave Gallaher, Treasurer
Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms
Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary

In-person at Parktown Pizza 3031 Meridian Ave, San Jose, CA 95124

And online via Zoom: 

Called to order at 20:00

Total of 12 in attendance 

A party jar was established

The minutes of meeting 1762 were posted online, and were accepted as the 
Supreme Writ of BASFA ...until the next meeting


Regular: $15,805.32
Party: $230.58
Money can be sent to salve guilt via Paypal - sent to =
Though we did accrue $38.10 since the resumption of live meetings.

Vice President
Nothing Fannish. 

Not present.



New Business:



Lisa: There’s a convention coming up. Thu July 4 - Sunday: BayCon, at the Santa 
Clara Mariott. Those not attending may be at Westercon, which is also 
Craig: His wife, Marsha, is doina t-shirt swap on Sunday 2:45 p.m.
Yochanan: This Friday will have Peter S. Beagle, with a screening of the Last 
Unicorn. (Lisa will be wearing her t-shirt).
Candy: Silicon Writers will be having a book sale.
Robyn: Her and Fred are coming in tomorrow night, and will be in for a week.

Icon theatres has closed. The entire chain. (We had one at Valley Fair, and one 
in MV).

Netflix has begun airing S2 of Star Trek Prodigy. All episodes dropped today.


Prodigy. 20x30 Watched the first, and is marvelous. Looking forward to doling 
out the remaining. High recommendation so far.

Inside Out 2 (in theaters) Pixar sequel. The girl is now an adolescent, she has 
some new emotions. Very cute. Liked the first one better. Worth matinee, full 
if you’re a fan of the first. Didn’t quite capture the magic.
Kennita: Thoroughly enjoyed it. Almost as good as the first. Definitely worth 

(Prime) Abigail. 2019. Adventure fantasy. A Russian production, with an 
international cast. Hard to not spoil. Magic vs. anti-magic policies. Liked the 
ideas, and the visuals. The plot wasn’t that thought out. The young actress did 
a marvelous job. Can’t highly recommend. It’s OK.

(Bppk) Eternity Road by Jack McDevitt. About a civilization rising again from 
within the old US. Stayed up reading, as it kept his interest. End a bit 
rushed, but still a very good book.
Rick: Fittingly, this was a 1998 novel.

Andrew Wier’s Project Hail Mary (author of The Martian) The Sun (and other 
stars) is being eaten by a bacteria. Mission to a healthy star to bring back a 
solution. There’s also a first-contact story within, which is much better. Not 
as satisfied with the ending. Worth a read, paperback price.
Rick: Agree about the alien being realized. Good puzzle plot. Highly recommend, 
esp. for fans of Weir.

Finally watched the end of the Doctor Who season. A little rushed. Enjoyable, 
satisfactory, sad that Ruby’s story is finished, but she will be back.
Rick: There will be a xmas special. As an adoptee, he’s not 100% satisfied with 
Russel’s take on the subject.

Rumor of the Week:  

Like vinyl records, film and film theaters will make a comeback.

Adjourned at: 20:41
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