Minutes of Meeting #1753 Monday, April 22, 2024 Trey Haddad, President Ken Patterson, Vice President Dave Gallaher, Treasurer Galen Tripp & Laser Pistol Packin’ Mama, Sergeants at Arms Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Secretary meeting held online, in exile
***NEW & improved*** ZOOM Meeting Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcld-6rpjgvGtIgLOOMifWVLgfj9p19Xtim Called to order at 8pm 13live/4online beings attended the second 'hybrid meeting' Trey requested that a price be set for a pun liscense for himself & the amount that was voted in was $0.50 & he paid for the liscense The minutes of meeting 1752 were accepted as 'being passed over' proxy treasurer report is we have money: Regular: $15,805.32; Party: $230.58 Money can be sent to salve guilt via Paypal - sent to = dwgalla...@gmail.com the VP had nothing fannish to report the President had nothing fannish to report Craig reported he wishes to submit his final report on his committee to judge committees, this was accepted & the committee was allow to disband The Relocation Committee reported that the 2 live meetings at San Jose's Parktown Pizza [at Meridian & Hillsdale] have worked out well & the committee recommends making this site the official club meeting site. There was discussion & an agreement that it should work out, as long as there was no loud sporting event happening on that night https://www.parktownpizza.com There is a plan to hold the next 2 meetings at Parktown Pizza [at Meridian & Hillsdale] on April 29 & then on May 6. If these meetings work out well, the club will then vote as to whether to hold meetings there permanently. There was discussion, the Relocation Committee was praised for their efforts & allowed to disband. A motion was made to establish the Parktown Pizza as BASFA's permanent home [with an amendment that all future meetings will be intended to be hybrid] & vote on making this a permanent home 2 weeks hence - and this motion passed 'lots to 1' ANNOUNCEMENTS: Ken announced that this Friday is the 4th Friday of the month, so there will be a meeting of the Legion of Rasselon live in person at the Dennie's on Bascom in Milpitas on Abbott Rd, near the 880 freeway, at 7:30pm - wear a mask - for more info check their Facebook page Gerry announced that his cell phone came back to him today, after being lost during his trek to view the eclipse, so he is now whole again Gayle announced that she left an air tag on the rental car they turned in to Chicago's O'Hare airport & she has amused herself by watching the travels of the no-longer-rented-by-them car since then. There were comments about other personal possessions taking trips without their owners & the adventures these items had Candy announced that there is a new NASA solar sail mission being launched tomorrow from New Zealand see info at = https://phys.org/news/2024-04-nasa-hoist-solar-mission-ready.html Reviews: Adrienne reviewed a Youtube psychic making political predictions that she hopes will be accurate interested, check = https://www.youtube.com/c/SusanLynnPsychicMedium/community Mo reviewed season 2 of 'Resident Alien' as a marvellous show. She says it deals with the human condition in very positive ways & she very much recommends it. Kennita reviewed 'Spy X Family' as an anime with English subtitles that was a lot of fun & worth the matinee price she paid to see it, but warns that the subtitles flash by quickly https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spy_%C3%97_Family_(TV_series) Randy reviewed a science fiction mystery, 'The Mimicing of Known Successes' by Malka Older, as fun & he recommends it and the rumor of the week was = 'BASFA's hybrid meetings have been a gas' There were auctions we adjourned at = 9:02pm -- ******************* She/whispered/'Oh/my/goodness/what/are/all/these/squirrels/doing/here?' melc...@gmail.com *******************
_______________________________________________ Basfa mailing list Basfa@lists.basfa.org http://lists.basfa.org/listinfo.cgi/basfa-basfa.org