A month ago, noted animator Alan Becker released this video "Animation vs. 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1J6Ou4q8vE (14 minutes)

It's far cleverer than it has any right to be, and has some really endearing 
and funny moments.

If you'd prefer to watch a live reaction from an Oxford maths professor, Dr Tom 
Crawford (of Tom Rocks Maths) has you covered in this 26-minute live watch:


His delight at a couple of things I'd missed is quite infectious.

It would be eligible for next year's Hugos, perhaps in the "Best Related Work" 
category. it does have some narrative structure, but (IMHO) not enough for Best 
Dramatic Presentation, Short Form.


A different math video I discovered too late for Hugo consideration was this 
one on Bézier curves from Swedish game developer Freya Holmér. Her specific 
interest is in real-time renderable math, including shortcuts and optimizations.

It's beautifully animated (she wrote all the animations herself; she works in 
Unity in C#):

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVwxzDHniEw (24 minutes)

As I said to her, if I'd had a lecture this good in math, I'd have easily taken 
another year.

(She also has a lot of other math videos relating to game development on her 

  Deirdre Saoirse Moen
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