Donate it, to a thrift store, a homeless shelter, school, or anyplace else that 
will give you a charitable donation receipt for it.  Or sell it on ebay, 
Craigslist, or NextDoor.  Definitely don't just recycle it .

Live long and prosper - Kennita
From: melchar <>
Sent: Thursday, June 1, 2023 5:36 PM
To: Kennita Watson <>; BASFA list <>
Subject: Re: [Basfa] free monitor

                They have made one & I got it.  It only cost $7.00 for one of 
the nice ones.  However, when I did hook the Acer up to my nice, new gaming 
desktop, I learned - after it happened - that if screen resolution changes, the 
Acer monitor lost signal and would NOT recover.

                 Checking, I learned that this is a known problem with this era 
of Acer monitors.  So - new monitor thru Amazon was here the next day & cost 
less than $100.  And thus, I have a fresh-from-box, but still made in 2015 Acer 
monitor I would rather not toss it into the tech recycling bin.


On Thu, Jun 1, 2023 at 10:30 AM Kennita Watson 
<<>> wrote:
Nobody has decided to get rich making a VGA-HDMI adapter?

Live long and prosper - Kennita
From: Basfa 
<<>> on behalf 
of melchar via Basfa <<>>
Sent: Thursday, June 1, 2023 10:25 AM
To: BASFA list <<>>
Subject: [Basfa] free monitor

         Could anyone use an 18" Acer monitor with a vga connector from 2015?  
I got it, intending to replace an older monitor - which then stubbornly 
continued working for the next 7 years.

      I just got a new desktop & unboxed the Acer ... learning that the new 
desktop uses hdmi & the Acer is only VGA.  I got a -new- monitor for the 
desktop & want to see if the Acer could be of use to anyone before just 
discarding it.

       I'm in Campbell so I hope if it can be of use, you can come pick it up.

-- Barbara

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